Cosplay in the Media: Why I don't care

I've been asked by a few friends why I'm not upset about how the media is showing Cosplayers at this time. There is a new show out that focuses on cosplayers and news articles being written by people that have not done in depth research about the hobby. A lot of my friends have been upset about this, up to and including writing their own articles about how cosplay is given the wrong light.I, personally, have been quiet and have been continuing on in my life like nothing is going on.My reason? Because I don't care what the media is saying about my hobby.This isn't the first time the media has shown something I do (or live by) in a bad light and this won't be the last time this happens either.Instead of standing on a soap box and shaking my finger at the media stating it's wrong and giving my reasons why it's wrong, I'd rather just keep going on like it doesn't matter.Let me give a past example about when this has happened before and what I did through it all:I'm LDS (most people know the religion as Mormon), which has gotten a lot of attention by the media for many, many reasons and many, many times. I'm pretty certain that in the future, it will get just as much press coverage for something else. However, instead of standing up stating "the media has it wrong!" or "these are the facts!" I've learned to wait for people to ask me about it and get answers that way.Time and time again, when people learn that I'm LDS, I start to get little questions that tend to end up in a fun, enjoyable, educational discussion about the religion. By the end of these discussions, most people have sat back and said to me "Boy, the media spun it in a completely different way." Which causes me to laugh, nod and point out "Aren't you glad you got it from someone that lives that lifestyle instead of just believe the media?"Cosplay is the exact same way. Of course, cosplay is a hobby, not a religion, but the ideas of how to combat bad media is the same. Instead of standing on a soap box, writing articles and ranting and raving that "we're not like that!!" I'd rather keep on with my life so when it does come out that I'm a cosplayer, the person has a chance to ask questions without feeling like I'm ranting and raving about the media being wrong.I have a personal belief that cosplayers need to help one another to grow and progress if this is going to be an enjoyable hobby. The fact that people are expending their energy on writing articles about how the media's giving us bad coverage instead of writing articles on how to create the best pleats ever, or how to find that perfect shade of wig, makes me a little sad. Since when did we care what "the normies" thought about us and when did it matter what people that haven't sat down and asked us questions about why we do this think about us?If we want to prove to the media that they're wrong; that we have lives outside of cosplay, that we don't spend our entire lives on this hobby, and that we don't act how the media is showing them to act, we need to start by ignoring the media and going back to helping others in our hobby and enjoy our hobby that much more.